Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 Is Almost Here

2013 is almost here and now that the holidays are behind us, it is time to get back on track!

Steve and Sherri are not big fans of making new year resolutions. So for us, it is better that we set little goals that we can accomplish through out the year.

Our overall fitness and health goals for 2013 are:

1) to continue to eat healthy
2) to continue to exercise daily
3) to maintain our body weight
4) to drop our body fat percentage by two points

Tomorrow we start the P90X/INSANITY Hybrid program. We have done both of these programs (this past year) and are now looking forward to the challenge of putting them together.

We are also planning on running several races this coming year. The first 5K will be in April.

Occasionally, we will check in and blog about our progress. We are anticipating some great results with this 90-Day Hybrid program.

May you set and reach your goals this coming year! HaPpy New YeAr!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Weights & Measurements

By far INSANITY has been the best program for us. WE absolutely love, love, love, this fitness routine!

In just two months we have seem some phenomenal results. Overall, Sherri has lost 8lbs and dropped 2% in body fat; while Steve has lost 3lbs and dropped another percentage in body fat.

Since starting our fitness and health journey Steve's overall body fat has dropped from 23.2% to 19.8%. He has lost 11" all around and has dropped 15lbs. Steve is super stoked and is amazed at all the changes his body has made over the last year (11/27/2011).

Sherri started her journey 15 months ago (8/1/2011) and has had similar results. Sherri's body fat has dropped from 27.0% to 22.7%. She has lost 16" all around and has dropped 16lbs. Sherri is delighted with the transformation she sees going on in her body and loves how she looks. For the first time in her life, she actually feels happy about the body she's living in.