Saturday, June 30, 2012

P90X Completed! What's Next?

Today marks the 90th day of P90X. Overall, we enjoyed the routine and plan to do it again soon. Since many of the routines are nearly an hour long, we are thinking about cutting the routines in half; especially, during the summer when there is so much more to do outside!

So far, Steve has continued to loss weight and his mid-section is toning up. Sherri is maintaining, but would like to see more results and thinks her eating habits are slowing her down.

The last two week of the program was hard to get through. Working out everyday is not easy as it takes a lot of commitment and quite frankly, we just didn't bring it! But, there have been other hurdles we were jumping too: life seemed busier and the body became just plum weary.

If this happens to you please do not get discouraged! If you miss a workout day (or two) - start again, just keep pushing along and don't quit!

The best thing that has happened to us is that we feel better and we can do more! We don't huff and puff walking up stairs nor, when we go for brisk walks. Remember the goal here is to make a life style change for the better. A healthier you, a healthier us!

So, what's next? We are going to focus in on training for the 5k "Race the Reserve" in August. Our plan is to 1) do cardio two or three times a week, 2) attempt to run three miles a day five times a week, and 3) throw in one or two rest days to give the body a break.

Looking forward to seeing what we will accomplish over the next several weeks.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

5K: Can It Be Done?

Recently, Carolyn invited me to participate in an upcoming 5K Run on Whidbey Island. I told her I would have to look into it and think about it. I have always wanted to run a 5K and this seems to be a good opportunity to DO IT! I do have one slight reservation and that is I AM NOT A RUNNER! When my husband can run backwards faster than I can run forward, I have a problem.

So, I spoke with Tess, one of my friends who has just completed two 5K runs, and she gave me some advice on how to prepare for the run. I also went online and "googled" how to prepare for a 5K run and found some additional information, which was also very helpful.

I spoke with Steve about this and he thinks it would be a great idea and fun too! I am trying to encourage him to begin a training routine with me as time is short. The race is August 11th.

With P90X almost completed, we have laid a foundation that should help us in this run. Steve hasn't ran since he injured his calves. So stay never know what is going to happen with these two primetime baby boomers. :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Workout Room Ready: Bring It!

For those of you who have been following our blog. We decided a few weeks back to take our storage room and turn it into a workout room. Today, we completed the workout room.

Below is a picture of the room right after we cleared most of the "junk" away:

This picture was taken right after the walls had been taped and mudded:

A couple of coats of primer and paint on the walls make the place look even better:

Finally, we were able to set things up:

We are really excited and look forward to "Bringing It" tomorrow morning as we take on Week 11 in the P90X Lean Series. Yeah!

A Discouraging "Weak" 10

Wow! Another week of discouragement and set-backs. Monday morning Sherri woke up and went to get out of bed and could barely turn her neck. Her range of motion to the left, right and downward was limited so exercising was out of the question; especially, after she tried working through Cardio X. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday passed before she felt like she was back to normal.

Although we did not work out Friday and Saturday we did spend the days doing other types of physical activities: like painting, building shelves and reorganizing the garage so we could make some more headway in our workout room.

Many times we hear of folks falling away from exercising and not getting back on track and we are no exception. The one thing we noticed about ourselves is that we tend to peter out towards the last couple weeks of a routine. So our drive and desire begins to diminish. We can go strong for 60 days, but to make it through all 90 days really seems to be a challenge for us.

It is not easy, but we are determined to keep going on even though we were set back a week. It is so discouraging to battle physical and mental limitations, but we can't and we won't let that defeat us!

So tomorrow morning starts a fresh new week for us and we are pumped up and ready to take it on. So BRING IT Week 11!